this is my first blog entry and i'm not really sure what you all may want to know about. i thought i'd give it a whirl and see if it interests you at all or not. i hope to keep this up and running during the duration of my stay in Jos, Nigeria and i'd like for you to all be able to see what's happening there and be able to pray accordingly. here is my first post...
...on may 15th i flew from charlotte to atlanta to meet my friend michael and connect a flight up to milwaukee. i flew to wisconsin so could attend the new tribes bible institute graduation and also to see friends that i won't be able to see until the summer of 2010.
my time there was great and i was able to spend a good bit of time doing the things i love...fellowship, playing w/ kids, ultimate frisbee and spending time talking over a cup of hot coffee! saying goodbye was not as difficult as i anticipated. i've grown accustomed to saying goodbye these last 6 years or so and often times i find myself not getting too attached to people because i fear i'll lose them at any given time. this time however, i know i'm not losing these friends, rather, i'm simply saying goodbye for a few years. i hope we can keep in contact as i head to Nigeria. ultimately, my time in wisconsin was well spent and i savored every minute of it. i've lived in pennsylvania, florida, washington, north carolina, south carolina and wisconsin. my favorite, for sure, is wisconsin.
as far as deprature dates are concerned...june 25th is the potential date. pray that the consulate in washington dc receives my visa and approves of it. pray also for the planning that i need to do before i leave.
that's the end of my first blog posts...hope you enjoyed reading about my life...i'd rather hear about yours.
...on may 15th i flew from charlotte to atlanta to meet my friend michael and connect a flight up to milwaukee. i flew to wisconsin so could attend the new tribes bible institute graduation and also to see friends that i won't be able to see until the summer of 2010.
my time there was great and i was able to spend a good bit of time doing the things i love...fellowship, playing w/ kids, ultimate frisbee and spending time talking over a cup of hot coffee! saying goodbye was not as difficult as i anticipated. i've grown accustomed to saying goodbye these last 6 years or so and often times i find myself not getting too attached to people because i fear i'll lose them at any given time. this time however, i know i'm not losing these friends, rather, i'm simply saying goodbye for a few years. i hope we can keep in contact as i head to Nigeria. ultimately, my time in wisconsin was well spent and i savored every minute of it. i've lived in pennsylvania, florida, washington, north carolina, south carolina and wisconsin. my favorite, for sure, is wisconsin.
as far as deprature dates are concerned...june 25th is the potential date. pray that the consulate in washington dc receives my visa and approves of it. pray also for the planning that i need to do before i leave.
that's the end of my first blog posts...hope you enjoyed reading about my life...i'd rather hear about yours.