home depot/lowes^^^

having arrived on thursday night in Abuja and Jos on Friday morning, i was assigned "rest" for the first few days. this allowed me the chance to explore jos, talk to the missionaries, eat w/ them (they say hi erin), visit church and even attend a basketball game. i'm in the honeymoon stage right now. this means everything is perfect and peachy...supposively the same way when people get married. after the honeymoon stage ends(probably in a few months), reality sets in and it's time to deal with the fact that you're here and not going anywhere for a long time. after that stage ends(by God's grace) then comes the "it's not so bad here after all" stage. this, i'm yet to see...stay in tune.
friday, saturday and sunday were opportunities to explore. today(monday) i started orientation.
saturday i explored the market and met some nationals. the Nigerians are wonderful and friendly people. they make up 1/4 of Africa's population and they have the capability to lead all of Africa (economically, politically, socially, and SPIRITUALLY). i'm yet to learn a lot about this in a "hands on" type of way but from what i have observed and what i hear, Nigeria has golden potential. there is a lot of corruption here, but i don't want to write a lot about this because it's not safe to do so. just know that they need the love of Christ in their hearts and lives or else they will continue to be a corrupt nation.
yesterday i went to a professional basketball game(for free) to see a friend of one of the missionaries play. maybe you can tell by the look of the pictures, their facilities were next to pathetic.

the highlite of the day was visiting an African church. i had a wonderful time hearing the Word of God preached from a man that was formally in the muslim faith. the African songs and worship was interesting, the sights, smells, and sounds were all together intriguing. reality set in yesterday...I'M IN AFRICA!
the rest of this week will be orientation to SIM/ECWA, the culture, and city ministries. later on this week i'll finally visit the boys in Gidan Bege and Gyero.
Pleasy pray that God will lead me into an area of ministry here. there are so many needs here in Nigeria.
pray also that i will be able to learn the Hausa language.
pray also for my transition into this country and culture.
i hope these pictures will whet your appetite.
yauwa, sai anjima---okay, see you later