Everything about her is precious, her smile, her voice, her cheeks and her laugh make her precious to me. From the first day I seen her I asked someone who she was and they replied, “precious”. I quickly thought, “anyone can see she is precious” but “what’s her name?”
“Precious! Her name is Precious”
Her missing two front teeth, her braided hair, little feet and the way she says “uncle Joseph” makes her even more precious to me. She’s so small, so innocent, so lovable and cute that the word “precious” seems to sum up her entire being. It’s as if God put aside day seven to determine how He would go about making this little girl. The evidence of intelligent design and of a loving creator is for sure seen in her. She, like her name, is Precious.
My father is a carpenter. He gets paid to take a pile of wood and make it into something beautiful. I’ve personally assisted in wonderful works of wooden art while at my father’s side. He never ceases to amaze me with what his hands can create.
My heavenly Father is also quite the craftsman. When I look at Precious I can’t help but look up and smile. It amazes me; it really does, of how wonderful and precious this little girl is. I’m literally holding back this force that just wants to swoop down and grab her with my arms and hold her tighter than she’s ever been held. When I see her and the other’s, inside of me seems to illuminate and prance for joy. It’s as if I’m right smack in the center of God’s will for my life when I’m with the boys and girls of the ministry. Sure, I admit, I’m not crazy about the food and the roads. I’m not a big fan of trying dog meat and about sitting in a 5 passenger car with 7 people. However, the little boys and girls that I’m able to love, teach, and play with make my stay in Nigeria wonderful and my memories….hmm? …Precious!
This week is girls’ camp week and I was asked to spend some time with them organizing sports and activities for one day. The day I was given was Monday but on that day it rained very hard. In turn, we spent some times on the swings at a local school and I was given the tiring job of pushing 8 girls in unison on a swing set. They don’t know how to swing their legs to go higher so they usually have me push them and then call me when the swinging ceases. For over an hour all I heard was laughing, giggling and “Uncle Joseph, swing me, push me stronger and make me higher”. Little did they know I was having the time of my life?
In the ministry, we have 15 girls and about the same amount of staff girls. This week they are learning about their relationship with God and how they are the daughter of the king. Hopefully when the week ends and they go back to their homes they will better understand just how much God loves them and how they are the daughter of the King. Hopefully they see how wonderful He is and how wonderful are all of His creations. Hopefully they know He loves them as a caring father loves his children. Hopefully when they return to their houses and settle back in after a long week of camp, they lay down in their beds as the cool plateau air moves throughout the room and they begin to reminisce of the week gone by. Hopefully, or just maybe, the girls will lay down in the quiet of the night and just think upon the glory of God and His affection and protection towards them. Maybe they will think to themselves “God loves me, He created me to glorify Him, when He sees me He is delighted. As far as He is concerned…to Him, I’m Precious!”

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