Monday, May 4, 2009

Picture of the Week-Ibraham

For those of you who remember my friend Ibraham, here is a picture of us recently. I was talking to him the other night (through a translator) and found out that he used to have a Bible but it was taken from him when he went out to farm one day. He said he would love to have another one so I asked him in which language. He said he would like one in the Hausa language. This week I will be able to present him with a Bible to replace the one that he had stolen. There are many other’s like Ibraham who hold another faith but it is my prayer that they will come to salvation. Pray along with me for Ibraham and his students. He reminds me of Nicodemus in John chapter 3 who was a teacher but still didn't know the things about Jesus Christ.
The picture of the week is of Ibraham and I sitting in front of his house...