here are some pics of nathan. i've only added three because i figured they best tell his story. he is a strong young man and was an encouragement to everyone here. i did not see him cry once, he dealt with his injuries very bravely. he flew to S. africa on thursday morning and was welcomed by his father upon arrival. his family could really use our prayers, nathan's grandmother just passed away, he is in a hospital in south africa with two broken legs, his sister is moving to the philippines in a week for two years and his family are all scattered.
personally, (call it morbid) i am rejoicing with them. God is at work even during difficult times and circumstances. it may not make a lot of sense on this side of eternity but He tells us to "give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God". in other words, "He is well aware of what is going on...thank HIM".
so, i just wanted to briefly add some pictures, i'm swamped with things to do but i think it's important that you are able to see Nathan and his smile. please pray for the Wuerffel family
We have been praying for Nate. He seems like a brave young man and we are praising the Lord he did not sustain fatal injuries.
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