Shots were fired at an American man this past week. He ended up making most of the saves but Nigeria still won the game 2-1 over the USA to advance to the next round of the Olympic soccer championship. With the Olympics taking place in Beijing, Nigeria is watching closely their beloved soccer team. Today the team won again to advance to the gold medal game. When they won the gold in 96’ there was rioting in the streets and people were going crazy all over Nigeria. I’m excited to see what happens this weekend when the game takes place.
This week was also junior and senior camp week. For 2 weeks I was under the impression that I was going to the junior camp but at the last minute they told me I would be at senior camp. I felt bad because I told all of the junior boys that I would be at their camp. I approached senior camp with a bad attitude and with bitterness. I really wanted to be with the smaller boys because I feel more appreciated and they are more fun to play with. After camp started and we were assigned to our study groups, I had to repent of my bad attitude...
I was put in a group with a man named “uncle Bobby” from Chicago. His church sponsored the camp and he came to take part in it. From day one I began to love this guy and appreciate him very much. We ended up having an incredible time together and I feel we were very effective in ministering and teaching the boys. The theme for the week was "walk worthy". this is taking from Ephesians ch. 4:1 which says "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called".
This week was also junior and senior camp week. For 2 weeks I was under the impression that I was going to the junior camp but at the last minute they told me I would be at senior camp. I felt bad because I told all of the junior boys that I would be at their camp. I approached senior camp with a bad attitude and with bitterness. I really wanted to be with the smaller boys because I feel more appreciated and they are more fun to play with. After camp started and we were assigned to our study groups, I had to repent of my bad attitude...
I was put in a group with a man named “uncle Bobby” from Chicago. His church sponsored the camp and he came to take part in it. From day one I began to love this guy and appreciate him very much. We ended up having an incredible time together and I feel we were very effective in ministering and teaching the boys. The theme for the week was "walk worthy". this is taking from Ephesians ch. 4:1 which says "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called".
Monday through Saturday we covered different characteristics of what it means to walk worthy.
Monday started with "walk with courage",
Tuesday, "walk with discipline"
Wednesday, "walk with vision"
Thursday, "walk with endurance"
Friday, "walk with compassion"
and Saturday, "walk with self-sacrifice"
At the then of the week the boys each expressed areas in which they grew and they were very excited that I would be around for the next two years. During the week I began to see more and more of the need that the senior boys have. Many of them are very immature in their walks with the Lord. There are others who are very strong and who are growing daily. I believe God put me with Uncle Bobby and the senior camp so that I could be encouraged by him and so that I could see the need the senior boys have. Needless to say, I’ll be spending a lot of time with our senior boys. The camp ended on Saturday and then I was finally able to go home and get some much needed rest.
in other news,
in other news,
Last Sunday I was officially welcomed as the newest member of Emmanuel Baptist Church. This Sunday I visited one of the daughter churches of EBC, after the service I had pounded yam with the pastor and his family. He said I was the first white man to ever eat with his family at his house, a great honor.
Other than that, this Thursday will be 8 weeks for me since I came to Nigeria. There have been days when I wanted to quit and go home but these last few weeks I have been having an incredible time here. Sometimes I wonder how I’ll ever be able to leave this place. Nigeria is my home and I absolutely love my time here in this wonderful country. There are so many great things here; the weather, the sound of the rain on my roof, the people, the mountains, the boys, and of course, the soccer team. I’m not only the newest member of EBC, I’m also the newest fan of Nigerian soccer. I’m having a great time with the boys following their team, correction….our team!
To conclude, I just want to say thank you for all that you are doing on your side of the ocean. May the Lord richly bless you for your faithfulness, kindness and generosity.
Other than that, this Thursday will be 8 weeks for me since I came to Nigeria. There have been days when I wanted to quit and go home but these last few weeks I have been having an incredible time here. Sometimes I wonder how I’ll ever be able to leave this place. Nigeria is my home and I absolutely love my time here in this wonderful country. There are so many great things here; the weather, the sound of the rain on my roof, the people, the mountains, the boys, and of course, the soccer team. I’m not only the newest member of EBC, I’m also the newest fan of Nigerian soccer. I’m having a great time with the boys following their team, correction….our team!
To conclude, I just want to say thank you for all that you are doing on your side of the ocean. May the Lord richly bless you for your faithfulness, kindness and generosity.
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