Tuesday, June 24, 2008

last days before Nigeria

i'm getting better at this "blog" thing. this post should tell you a little about my last month here in the states. i'm at my desk right now, tuesday June 24th and i'm supposed to leave tomorrow at 4:15 pm. the problem i'm facing is somewhat severe...I HAVE NO VISA!...that's right, i do not have my visa as of tuesday morning. i can't seem to get any answers other than it may be shipped tonight and received tomorrow morning. as of right now, it is on a desk in washington d.c. please pray that it will come in tomorrow. "not my will but Thy will de done".

this last month has been refreshing and stressful. trying to say goodbye to everyone while i'm trying to pack my bags has been difficult. it's easy to get to caught up in the work of the Lord that you forget the Lord of the work. i'm trying to get my priorities straight. if i don't start my day out in the word of God, i've already failed.

i'm trying to maintain a good attitude as i prepare to leave. moving is difficult, moving to another country is even more difficult, moving to a third world country is very difficult. i coulduse some patience as i prepare to cross the pond and live in Nigeria for two years.
one of my concerns while gone was "will people forget about me? will they forget to pray and write? will they even be interested int he work the Lord is doing in NIgeria?" this concern was met with much encouragement...
on june 20th my church had a going away party for me at the Stelzl's house. i had a great time playing with the kids and saying goodbye to all of my church family. the highlight, besides the "chocolate deliciousness" was the prayer at the end. all of the men laid hans on me and prayed for me. they prayed for all sorts of things as they were led by the Holy Spirit. they prayed for wisdom, patience, my visa, encouragment, support, peace and for companionship. a friend of mine took pictures during the prayer and we could'nt believe what she captured in the photo. look below at the picture of them praying for me. what do you see in the sky?

i see a cross.
God seems to show up in the most unique ways. coincidence you say. maybe. however, given the circumstance at hand and the heart that needed it, i can't help but glorify God for the wonderful work He did on that cross 2,000 years ago.


Rick Whittlesey said...

God is going to use you mightily in Jos. I am excited about your future and look forward to what He will do with you! -Rick Whittlesey

Unknown said...

The picture with the cross is amazing. I know you'll be safe in God's hands for the whole 2 years and the rest of your life. You're an amazing brother, and I look up to you in many ways (literally). I miss you already and it was so hard to say goodbye like 5 times =( I know I'll be talking to you soon, so until then, enjoy your sight-seeing! I LOVE YOU!!!


Unknown said...

I hope you got there ok, I'll be Praying for ya!!!
Its going to be exciting to see all the amazing ways Gods going to use you there in Nigeria!!

hannah said...

I'm glad you liked the chocolate deliciousness. we'll have one on order for when you get back.Adios for two years:)