Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Favorite Pictures Thus Far

These last 8 months have been quite eventful. There have been times of laughter and times of tears, times of frustration and times of relaxation. There have been times when I wanted to quit and come home to the USA, eat pizza with my friends and drink coffee with my family. Times when I just wanted to sit down with my grandmother and hear her share her wisdom on the subject at hand. These last 8 months have been wonderful in a lot of ways and also frustrating in other ways but at the end of the day I thank the Lord for bringing me through 1/3 of my stay here in Nigeria. I enjoy Nigeria very much and have considered it my home now for these last 8 months. I’m grateful for your encouragement, your support and your prayers.

The pictures below are my favorite pictures from my time thus far. Out of over 6,000 pictures I have picked 16 because it was too hard to pick 10 or 8. I decided to pick two for each of the 8 months that I’ve been in Nigeria.
I also want to thank my friend Michael for buying me a new camera after my former one was stolen when I was robbed in December. In other words, I don't need a new camera anymore. Thanks for those who inquired.
Here are my top 16 pictures thus far. Do you have a favorite?


Erin said...

Love the pics! Especially the profile of Shedrack. As Mary is 'yours', Sheddy is 'mine' :) Please greet him for me.

Unknown said...

Wow... thoses are really good pictures!!!

hannah said...

I like the 3rd one down. We all miss you very much and you are in our prayers!

Karis B said...

hey I love your pictures- I can't wait to see those kids in real life. ~ Karis
Aiming for leaving May 1st

Keith and Abbi McDaniel's Family said...


I'm not sure which one is the best. I always like pictures of children. I was so glad to find your blog. You can view ours at Please keep posting. We're following now, so we can see what you're up to. Praying for you.


Keith and Abbi McDaniel's Family said...


I was so glad to see your blog on SIM's Website. I've been wondering what all are up to since we are still here in the States. We're working on it--all in God's timing. My favorite pictures are the ones of the children. All of them. Please keep posting. We'll keep following.
